Team: We had 21 US members of the delegation, plus 13 University of Virginia students. We had 5 RN's, 4 CNM's, 2 MD's, 9 helpers and 1 cook. We had 8 Nica Interpreters (not just of language but culture and survival info as well). Our functions were the following:
Community Projects: 4 days of painting book shelves and the town in Huehuete. Stocking of shelves with donated books for kids. Taking of photographs of children in home for the use of their house parents and the students.
Local meetings: with Huehuete mayor (Geovanni, Verna, Steve) and with Community tourism representative; Dinner with our 12 supported NICA university students; meeting with dentist who sees our patients during the year; meeting with local organizational directors: Schweitzers, AMOS, MINSA, Los Chinchos, Rancho Hebron, La Quinta.
Clinics: we did 11 medical clinics at 7 clinic sites. We saw over 800 patients. Most common diagnoses were respiratory/nutrition/GI/and hypertension.
Vitamins: WE distributed over 35,000 vitamins, some of which were left in bulk at the children's homes for use over the next year.
Supplies: We distributed medical books, equipment and supplies to local physicians and students. This included 3 microscopes/2 doptones/medical dressings and supplies/blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes/ 2 hemoglobin/hematocrit instruments which were put to immediate use.
Medications: We dispensed $6-7000 (cost to us with actual value much higher) of medications. Leftover meds were left with local doctors with whom we had worked. Most were purchased in Nicaragua. About 20% were purchased or donated from US sources.
Other donations: We distributed over 1500 pounds of books/clothing/shoes/toys/ to people.
(estimates based on suitcase weight limits figuring 30 people with at least 50 pounds each.
Eye/Dental: We distributed about 400 reading glasses and sunglasses. We gave 500 floride treatments with materials donated by US dentist. We have a list of about 100 people who will get vision and dental services from a local dentist and eye doctor throughout 2011.
PS: And one happy kid (grandson of caretaker for team house) got a bicycle